Sleep apnoea – difficulty breathing while asleep – is an underestimated problem which many people aren’t aware they suffer from.
Sleep apnoea – difficulty breathing while asleep – is an underestimated problem which many people aren’t aware they suffer from.
Sleep apnoea – difficulty breathing while asleep – is an underestimated problem which many people aren’t aware they suffer from.
Serious sleep apnoea has been linked to memory problems, depression, high blood pressure and strain on the heart as the vital organs are starved of oxygen, but a further unreported problem is the disturbance snoring can have on your partner’s sleep.
Snoring is caused by a partial closure of your airway during sleep due to a relaxation of the muscles in your neck, the soft tissue then vibrates to cause the sound of snoring.
One kind of device used to alleviate snoring is Sleepwell, a lightweight mouthpiece, which is custom-made for each patient to wear comfortably at night.
It happens when a snorer temporarily stops breathing only to start snoring and breathing again a few seconds later. Every time we stop breathing our bodies are starved of oxygen and our brain instructs our body to partially awaken by releasing adrenaline.
Sleep apnoea robs the snorer of sleep, leaving them with a lack of energy the next day and a range of physical and mental side effects that can be difficult to cope with.
We recommend a full assessment and a bespoke management plan.