Tooth whitening is a really simple way to brighten your teeth. All our procedures are safe and VIDA patients feel reassured by the simplicity of our whitening kits and have found it straightforward to maintain their results.
Tooth whitening is a really simple way to brighten your teeth. All our procedures are safe and VIDA patients feel reassured by the simplicity of our whitening kits and have found it straightforward to maintain their results.
Tooth whitening is a really simple way to brighten your teeth. All our procedures are safe, and VIDA patients feel reassured by the simplicity of our whitening kits and have found it straightforward to maintain their results.
Tooth whitening products can only be dispensed following an examination by a dentist who will explain:
As with all treatments, VIDA undertakes an assessment of what is clinically necessary and advisable for you. We will only recommend whitening if you are dentally healthy and we advise you to not whiten unless you are up to date with your normal appointments.
Tooth whitening sensitivity
VIDA dentists are experts at spotting patients likely to be troubled by sensitivity during whitening. At VIDA we have bespoke sensitivity packs for these patients.
It is normal to experience some heightened awareness to hot and cold and this may be most noticeable around day/night 4. For some people this sensitivity is hardly noticeable. For others, normal headaches tablets, such as paracetamol, are required during the course of whitening.
The good news is that the sensitivity does show that the whitening is working and you can expect to see your teeth brightening! More good news is that as long as you complete your initial course of whitening and follow a monthly top up regime, you will not need to repeat the whitening course again, and the top up treatments are not usually sensitive.
VIDA dentists understand that tooth whitening products shouldn’t be used in cases where there are cracks in the teeth or gum disease is present. However once VIDA has helped resolve these problems, many patients go on to successfully tooth whiten in future and maintain brighter, healthier looking teeth.
It’s a safe procedure using trays (like very thin gum shields) that are filled with whitening gel and worn overnight either as a 2 week or 4 week prescription from your VIDA dentist. The effect is maintained by top-up nights once a month that you can also undertake safely at home, as long as you keep up to date with your dental check-ups. Studies have shown there is no long-term damage to teeth from tooth whitening, although you may experience temporary sensitivity on your teeth and gums during treatment. VIDA dentists are experts in managing this so you can always call for bespoke advice or sensitivity treatment packs.
We offer a range of solutions for treating and preventing surface discolourations on teeth. It is important to see a VIDA dentist to ensure the cause of your discolouration has been correctly diagnosed and the appropriate treatments offered.
It is normal for our teeth to discolour at all stages of life owing to pigments in food and drinks, or the effects of lifestyle choices such as smoking. Tooth whitening works on colour pigments by breaking down the stains into shorter chain molecules, which the eye doesn’t see. Of course these pigments do reform and this is why top ups are required to keep them to a non-visible level.
Some discolouration may require longer courses of whitening treatment, or at the most severe, veneers. This is where a VIDA dentist will properly diagnose and advise from the outset so you can decide which treatment is best for you.
Later in life, as enamel thins, we often notice the inner yellowish colour of teeth becoming more apparent. While it is important to preserve enamel with correct hygiene and diet, it is often possible to alleviate this yellowing effect with a course of home whitening. This gives a very natural and age-appropriate appearance; teeth simply look brighter, cleaner and healthier.
No, VIDA can help. It is understood that the best results are most predictably achieved by a course of home whitening followed by an in-surgery whitening appointment. The purpose of the in-surgery appointment is to apply a high strength gel that is not licensed for use by patients at home due to its potency. It is used to complete the whitening process.
In situations where time is lacking, a VIDA dentist may advise an in-surgery whitening appointment in place of the initial home whitening.
Please call VIDA and ask for a complementary consultation to discuss your needs; at VIDA we have the experience to tailor a bespoke program to your situation.
VIDA dentists see a wide range of tooth discolouration problems. We are trained to spot the difficult cases and this helps patients set realistic expectations from the start of treatment. Some discolouration will require longer treatment. Sometimes we will be trying to avoid more extensive dentistry such as veneers to cover imperfections, therefore we will try every means of achieving the desired result through whitening alone: this usually means 4 weeks home whitening and an in-surgery whitening session with a VIDA dentist. Many discolourations will be dramatically reduced by the regime, and may negate the need for further dentistry or investment. As we often say at VIDA, sometimes less really is more.