VIDA would like to invite you to join us for the first in our new series of Learning for Life Open Evenings.
Thursday 30th November 7pm VIDA 69 High St, Fareham, PO167BB
Our patients choose the topics for these Educational Events therefore if there are any topics you wish to see covered in future, please email your suggestions to care@vidadentistry.co.uK
‘Facial Aesthetics, Fact and Fiction: A patient’s guide to anti ageing aesthetics, skincare and cosmetic procedures.”
Our evening of informal learning will cover:
- skincare super ingredients and the concentrations that actually work
- Are botox and fillers safe?
- Whitening procedures and invisible braces.
- Q&A session: ask our skincare and facial aesthetics experts anything you like!
- SPECIAL OFFERS AND A GOODY BAG to take away with you
We will be joined by :
- Mr Sami Stagnell BDS MFDS(RCSEd) MSc MFGDP(UK) AKC MOralSurg(RCSEng), Clincial Lead in Facial Aesthetics at VIDA, Specialist in Oral Surgery
- Mr Gary Conroy expert in medical grade skincare
- Dr Clare Britton BDS (Lond.) MFGDP(UK) Principle Dentist and Lead in Invisalign at VIDA
- Daisy Allen from Denplan Simply Health (flexible payment plans)
why not bring a friend and join us for an evening of fizz and facts and collect your goody bag on Thursday 30th November 7pm at VIDA 69 High St, Fareham, PO167BB
Please confirm your attendance to care@vidadentistry.co.uk or give the reception team a call on 01329 823040.
We look forward to welcoming you,
from all at VIDA