Hello again.
Well what can I say, yesterday was the big day, I had my Invisalign aligners fitted by Clare with Tatiana assisting.
I am working on reception this week and was a bit apprehensive about my speach and how it would be effected, and if people would notice.
After the fitting of aligners I was straight back on the desk answering the telephone and helping patients. I had no real reason to be apprehensive, I did have a very slight lisp but as the afternoon went on this soon disappeared.
I hadn’t told my husband that I was having my aligners fitted. When I got home I was my normal chatty self and he didn’t realise not until dinner time when I had to remove the aligners to eat that I had to tell him what I was doing. Not even my neighbour noticed while I was chatting away with her!
Today all is well.
Invisalign recommend changing the aligners between 7-14 days. I will be changing my alginers every 14 days .
I will keep you updated on how my Invisalign journey is going but in the meantime feel free to call 01329 823040 or email care@vidadentistry.co.uk and ask for me if you have any questions you would like answered.