The VIDA Team have heard from Jenny who was stolen from us to live in Australia:
Although we did wonder at first if she would even get there as their flights out to Australia were delayed in the first place, then they had to spend some time in Dubai as there was a problem with their visa’s, but after asking her if she is all settled in Australia now as I hear it has been an adventure getting stuck in Dubai, she replied:
“Yeah we have had great fun! The visa issue was due to the visa department changing their protocols a week before we left, so there were multiple families in the same situation as us, which made me feel a bit better!!
Weather is amazing, have yet to see any rain! And it is hot yay!!
We moved into our house on Friday, we have no furniture or TV, but I have a washing machine, iron and ironing board so all is good!! Doing an IKEA run next week.
We are off to visit the schools tomorrow, as the kids are testing my sanity after having them with me non stop since July!!! Haha
Gracie is loving the wildlife, obsessed with the lizards in the garden. We have had Cockatoos on the balcony in our apartment which was cool.
Miss you all loads”
Ahh Jen we miss you loads too sounds like its amazing, Good luck finding school and furniture.