Hypnosis Makes Happy Patients
Many VIDA patients know already how concerned we are that you enjoy a stress free visit to the dentist. The VIDA team spend time making sure your treatments are comfortable. We aim to give you time to take dental care at your own pace. Private dentistry also allows for appointment times to suit you, not when you’re rushing from A to B and more likely to feel pressurised or stressed. We can even see you in evenings or at weekends, to help reduce pressure and create a calmer environment for your dental appointment.
But we also know that there are times when you also need anxiety management strategies, and dental hypnosis has been used in this way for many years.
Now our lovely hygienist Sue is undertaking hypnosis training this February, to learn more about calming nervous or phobic patients. The hypnosis helps patients enter trance states using easy techniques, which help pass time and avoid rocketing stress levels.
Sue says “I’m really excited to be going on the course in February. I had thought about doing it some years ago, but now I’ve taken the opportunity to train, I’m even more interested to see how it will help my patients”.
VIDA looks forward to updating you on Sue’s pearls of wisdom next month!
In the meantime, if you wish to visit VIDA to learn more about how private dentistry can change how you feel at the dentist, contact us on care@vidadentistry.co.uk or by phone on 01329 823040, or read what our happy patients feel about us on Google reviews by following this link https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=6ZBYWuqMLIGUgAas3rvABw&q=vida+dentistry&oq=vida+de&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.35i39k1l2j0l5j0i10k1j0l2.6381.6843.0.8579.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.3.180…0i67k1j0i131k1.0.xIMzMJGZCWc#lrd=0x48746891b06b84db:0x4732da8c93c70466,1,,,
Remember VIDA offers Direct Access hygiene appointments, so you can have a Classic Scale and Polish with our hygienist Sue, or one of the hygiene team, without needing to be registered with a VIDA dentist.