Sorry this blog has taken so long to publish but we’ve just had new carpets fitted throughout the practice and as such the office was turned upside down. Now everything is back in its rightful place here it is…
John and the team would like to wish all our patients a happy and successful 2014.
According to a recent survey 95% of us make at least one New Year resolution, the most common being to lose weight, get fit and eat more healthily. A poll on the 3rd of January revealed that 22% of those resolutions had already been broken!
One promise that is worth keeping this year is to look after your teeth and gums. As well as giving you something to smile about in 2014, maintaining a healthy mouth is one of the best things you can do for your general health and well-being.
At your dental visit we will carry out a full examination of your mouth checking the health of your teeth, gums and soft tissues (e.g. lips, tongue and cheeks). We will discuss with you the best ways to achieve and maintain a healthy mouth.
In the meantime here are a few small resolutions for the New Year to keep you smiling:
◦ Brush your teeth twice a day with a good quality brush and fluoride tooth paste
◦ Floss or clean in between your teeth every day
◦ Change your toothbrush when it becomes ‘splayed’, ‘squashed’ or worn. This is approximately every three months
◦ Visit your dentist and hygienist regularly to check the health of your mouth
It is now a year since John took back control of the practice and the changes continue, many visible and even more behind the scenes.
We are all enthusiastic about the way the practice is progressing and are looking forward to more developments in 2014.