Since having the first aligners fitted I have been on holiday to north wales and somerset plus out and away with friends and family, whilst in north wales a group of six American girls came over and i was talking to them about my Puppy.
When I started to chat to them I realised that they all had Invisalign (only a trained eye would have noticed)and they were amazed that I was that the first British person they had met with aligners in!
I will just say that not once have I found my Invisalign an inconvenience to my daily life.
I carry a small toothpaste (free sample from reception) my toothbrush and floss with me and use it whenever necessary.
The first couple of days after the first aligners were fitted i did get some ulceration, this was partly my own fault as I should have realised that my lips were rubbing on the upper aligner and I should have used some ortho wax that Clare had given me to provide a soft cushioning while my mouth adjusted to Invisalign . LESSON LEARNT!
I have had a review with Clare and my teeth are moving nicely.
I had IPR (inter proximal reduction) at my review. A sandpaper strip is placed between the teeth and pulled through to create a fraction of a millimeter space to allow my crowded areas to straighten.
I do change my aligners approx every 10-14 days, this seems to suit my teeth movement. Sometimes if the teeth move too quickly there is a risk of gum recession, so we know that taking it easy is the best way.
Its been lovely seeing a lot of our patients starting their Invisalign journeys and we have been sharing experiences but funnily we are all going through the same despite being at different stages of our journey.
I always say to our patients contact me via email at : care@vidadentistry.co.uk if you have anything to share and its a learning curve for us all.
we have an open morning on Saturday 9th December . I will be there to show you my aligners and you can have a free smile simulation that morning!
give us a call on 01329 823040 if you would like a no strings attached look at how your smile could be.