We asked Dr Jamie Durrant-Fellows a few questions about himself:
Lets start with the easy question. What makes a beautiful smile?
To me, personally, it’s about the confidence of the person behind that smile. It’s not just the teeth but it involves the whole face… It’s that moment when somebody smile and their eyes light up! That’s a beautiful smile.
However, as a cosmetic dentist there is documented evidence based “rules” of what a beautiful smile consists of.. Whether it’s how straight the teeth are, their shade, their “golden proportions” – the list goes on! However; I strongly believe that it goes down to the person behind that smile, and how happy they are with how beautiful they perceive the smile to be.
What is your favourite music to drive to?
Well I’ve got a totally eclectic mix! I can literally go from trance to opera, to rock, and then onto my total favourite and what I was raised on – Country! My children are just as eclectic.. They can go from asking “daddy can we have some your music with no words in?” (Trance) or to, “daddy, can you put the boys on please?” (Colabro). All I can say is, that whenever on a road trip – the music selection will never be the same!
What is the best place you’ve visited?
Until very recently I haven’t actually been out of the UK for 19 years! It just goes to show how hard we study! Until then I would have said anywhere in North Cornwall. However: my new favourite place is a small terrace restaurant with only six tables overlooking the bay in Santiago De Cuba. I was lucky enough to spend the afternoon there thanks to my best friend and her 40th birthday present to me … They do the best mojitos I’ve ever drank!
What is your favourite healthy snack?
Well obviously I don’t snack between meals as that is bad for your teeth!! Although when I’m having an “I’m only human day”.. It tends to be blueberries or flat peaches.
If we’re talking unhealthy snacks however…. Give me Percy pigs any day of the week!