Consultation Frequently Asked Questions
Q – Will it affect my speech?
A – Everyone is different; if you do notice you have a small lisp this will go after a few days. Try chatting on the phone to friends and this will soon settle.
Q – Can I drink with them in?
A – We recommend you drink water or clear liquids, it stops the aligner from staining keeping it looking fresh for longer, if you are on a night out drink through a straw to minimize staining.
Q – How do I clean them?
A – We recommend brushing aligners the same way and times as you brush your teeth. Also brush the aligners after eating in luke warm water and this will help to keep them fresher for longer. You may use an inexpensive denture cleaner as many patients find this works well.
Q – What is the average treatment time?
A – Invisalign ranges from 6 months for minor movements to 18 months for more complex cases.
Q – What if I lose my brace?
A – Do not panic! We always recommend that the previous brace is kept so if you are only a few days into your new aligner simply place the previous one in and book an appointment with VIDA for a review. If you are a week into the new aligner, move onto the next brace.
Q – What is a clincheck?
A – A clincheck is a 3D treatment plan that can show you the results before any work is done. Invisalign are the only company that provides this.
Q – Will they hurt?
A – Undergoing any orthodontic treatment will cause a slight discomfort, but this will soon ease after a day or so, we recommend that you change your aligner before sleep it will ease throughout the night reducing discomfort.
Q – What happens after treatment?
A – After treatment you are required to wear a retainer. Here we offer Vivera retainers which are Invisaligns own, and we believe they are the gold standard retainer. You will be supplied with 3 sets, and these are to be worn every night after treatment.
Q – An attachment came off what do I do?
A – Simply inform VIDA and on your next appointment we can place this back on.