On 7th November, Judith gave a presentation on ‘Diabetes & Oral Health’ to the 2013 Diabetes Patient Conference at St James Hospital, Portsmouth. The presentation highlighted the links between diabetes and oral health; people with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing certain oral conditions, particularly periodontal (gum) disease, and discussed how improving the health of the mouth will have a positive effect on blood glucose regulation.
Together with Professor Mike Cummings, Consultant in Diabetes at QA Hospital, Judith has also had an article, titled “Go on, smile!” printed in the current November-December 2013 issue of ‘Balance’. ‘Balance’ is a national lifestyle magazine published by Diabetes UK.
Both of these features are well timed as this Thursday sees the globally celebrated event to increase awareness about diabetes – World Diabetes Day. November 14th is a significant date in the diabetes calendar because it marks the birthday of the man who co-discovered insulin, Frederick Banting. Banting discovered insulin in 1922, alongside Charles Best. World Diabetes Day is internationally recognised and is now an official United Nations Day.
It is well known that diabetes affects many parts of the body, but the impact on the oral cavity is often neglected. We hope that we are helping to raise awareness of the impact of diabetes on the mouth, and educate people with diabetes how the health of their mouths and their diabetes are linked. We feel that patients should be given the knowledge and skills to enable them to keep their teeth, gums and mouth healthy, and for their oral health to have a positive effect on their general health and quality of life.
If you have diabetes, are worried about developing diabetes or know someone with diabetes and would like to know more about it in relation to your oral health, please contact us for more information.